From the ATO:
Single Touch Payroll (STP) is a new way of reporting tax and super information to the ATO.
If you are using a solution that offers STP reporting, such as payroll or accounting software, you will send your employees’ tax and super information to us each time you run your payroll and pay your employees.
The information is sent to us either directly from your software, or through a third party – such as a sending service provider.
If you have a software provider, they can tell you more about the type of STP solution they offer. For a list of available STP solutions visit the STP product registerExternal Link.
There will also be a number of options available for employers who do not use payroll software, such as No-cost and low-cost Single Touch Payroll solutions.
Options will depend on your number of employees:
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.